Short Rhymes and Nursery Rhymes
Short Rhymes Can Be Just As Fun!
How many lines might it take to rhyme?
It doesn’t take many,
As you see two’s plenty.
Two Line
Nursery Rhyme
As you'll soon see, you can do quite a lot with only 2 lines.
And, you'll probably agree, short rhymes can be as much fun as any.
To Market
To market, to market, to buy a penny bun,
Home again, home again, market is done.
Lady Bird
Lady-bird, Lady-bird Fly away home,
Your house is on fire, your children will burn.
Charley Wag
Charley Wag,
Ate the pudding and left the bag.
Sing Sing
Sing, Sing!—What shall I sing?
The Cat's run away with the Pudding-Bag String.
Mama's Dishes
When I was a little boy, I washed my mammy's dishes,
Now I am a great boy I roll in golden riches.
Round About
Round about, round about,Gooseberry Pie,
My father loves good ale, And so do I.
Old Woman
There was an old woman lived under the hill,
And if she's not gone she lives there still.
Daffy Down Dilly
Daffy-down-dilly is new come to town,
With a petticoat green, and a bright yellow gown.
Honey Bee
The honey’s in the hive with the bumble bee
The Cat's in the cupboard, and she can't see.
Little Old Woman
A little old woman baked cranberry pies,
And she's the old woman that never told lies.
Baby Wants to Play
Hop away, skip away, my baby wants to play.
My baby wants to play every day.
Bow Wow Wow
Bow, wow, wow, whose dog art thou?
Little Tom Tinker's dog, bow, wow, wow.
Hey Ding a Ding
Hey ding a ding, ding, I heard a bird sing,
The parliament soldiers are gone to the king.
About the Bush
About the bush, Willie, about the bee hive,
About the bush, Willie, I'll meet thee alive.
Is there a rhyme that you can do?
Remember, though, lines only two.
What’s more fun than reading nursery rhymes?
Well, acting the rhymes, of course.
In our newest e-book, Nursery Rhymes Playscripts, we’ve transformed some of the best known nursery rhymes from verse to action!
These well-known nursery rhymes are now action plays. Now you not only read about Humpty Dumpty and his adventure, but you might pretend to be Humpty Dumpty. Uh-Oh. Be very careful.
Can you jump over the moon? Choose to be the Cow, in the Cat and the Fiddle and it might be possible.
Maybe you’d like to be Miss Muffet. Do you have a tuffet?
Our Nursery Rhymes Playscripts are just the ticket! Get your copy and have some fun acting out our very favorite nursery rhymes with your friends and family.
It's a great day for a play!

Learn More Here
Including Goosey Goosey Gander, Lucy Locket, Three Little Kittens, and more favorites!
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