Chapter Books
Chapter books are a significant step in the learning to read process. And, even though, the chapters work fantastically as bedtime stories, offering them through the bedtime stories page, seemed not the best way of highlighting their importance. So, here it is: A dedicated page just to books of length. Chapter books.
Stay tuned. This is a planned, long term project. As the time progresses, we hope to have many books to choose from.
See the
Table of Contents for easy navigation through all subsequent chapters of each book.
Alice in Wonderland Doctor Dolittle Heidi
Marjorie's Busy Days The Rover Boys at School
What Katy DidPeter PanThe Summer HolidaysThe Curlytops AdventuresGulliver’s Travels The Wizard of Oz Here’s a Halloween Chapter Book. Begin early. There’s 8 chapters to enjoy in anticipation of your Halloween celebrations.
Halloween at Merryvale
For your littlest readers we've the perfect set of chapters. A wonderful adventure every night.
Billy Bunnys Adventures More Billy Bunny AdventuresUncle Wiggily Meets Mother GooseUncle Wiggily and his Woodland FriendsUncle Wiggily AdventuresUncle Wiggily in the WoodsLittle Jack Rabbit
Little Jack Rabbits Adventures ContinueUncle Wiggily in Wonderland
Can't get enough stories? Want more? Subscribe to our
E-Stories E-Zine to receive an exclusive story each month. The stories are never repeated anywhere else on the site.
Are You Ready for Some Creative Play Fun?
Performing in a play is fun. Watching a play is fun. But, did you know that plays are actually beneficial for teaching language skills, developing social skills and confidence? Participating in a dramatic play develops critical thinking skills, along with reading comprehension and communication skills.
We’re all familiar with team work and its valuable life lessons.
Acting in a play requires team work. And, think about role play? Role play has been documented as highly beneficial to a child’s social growth. That’s what acting in a play is! - Role play.
Even kids who complain about not wanting to read are interested in the dramatizations. Let’s face it, not all children like to sit with a book in their hand. Some are hands-on learners. Plays are hands-on.
Introducing children to this format when they are young is a fun and easy way of instilling these valuable life skills and lessons. As parents, we take our tools any and every way available. A child’s play is another one of those tools not to be overlooked. Why not give a play a try?
Never staged a play before? Not to worry. A stage might be as simple as a clothesline strung with sheets for an open air performance. Or as elaborate as a formal stage, if you have one available. Or anywhere in between. No matter what you choose - It’s always a good day for a play.
 | Nursery Rhymes Playscripts
A total of 14 fun plays

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 | Fable Plays Volume 1
A set of 6 All new plays

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