Billy Bunny and The Fairy
Oh, a wise old fowl
Is Barney the Owl,
Although you might never guess it;
Although he may blink,
And although he may wink,
He’s wise, yes, he’s wise, now confess it.
For he hunts in the night
When there’s hardly a light
And no one can see what he’s doing;
He’s soft on the wing
As a zephyr in spring,
Except when he’s “Too-wit, too-wooing”.
“Now this is the song that Old Barney the Owl sang,” said Uncle Lucky to his little bunny nephew.
“And I hope you like it, for he was very proud of it. Oh, my yes, for he had made it up all by himself, which shows that he was a wise bird, for not every one you know, can write poetry“.
And, then Uncle Lucky said, “I think it’s time for bed, don’t you?”
But of course, the little rabbit didn’t think so. Did you ever know a little boy or little girl who thought it was time for bed? I’m sure I didn’t, so why should a little bunny think so?
However, the old gentleman rabbit looked at his gold watch, and, “Goodness me! It’s half past three“, he said.
“You can’t wait up another minute,” said kind Uncle Lucky, quite sternly, but not very, you know. So Billy Bunny went upstairs to his little room and got into bed, over which the big round moon through the window made a silver circle like a bright dishpan, and after a while he went to sleep.
And then, he had a dream. Little bunny boys dream too, you know. Oh, yes, they dream of carrot candies and lettuce cakes and pumpkin pies and lollypops, just the same as you and I did when we were little.
He dreamed that a little fairy flew in through the crack in the window, for it was open just a little. Not very high, though, because it was pretty frosty outside and the little rabbit didn’t want to get sick.
The fairy perched herself on the foot of the bed and said “Little rabbit do you believe in fairies?”
“Of course, I do,” whispered Billy Bunny.
“Very well, then I’ll tell you a secret,” said the little fairy. “There’s a big box of something out in the garage.”
Then without another word she flew away and in the morning, bright and early, Billy Bunny went out to the garage and what do you think he found? Maybe you have guessed already?
No? I’ll tell you.
A big box of lollypops, and when he told his Uncle Lucky, that kind old gentleman rabbit laughed and said that the little fairy was very smart, indeed.

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