Baby Land Nursery Rhymes
Baby Land
Which is the way to Baby Land?
Oh, any one can tell;
Up one flight,
And, to your right;
Please to the bell do ring.
What can you see in Baby-Land?
Little folks dressed all in white,
With downy heads,
And cradle-beds,
Their faces pure and bright.
What do they do in Baby-Land?
They dream and wake and play all day,
They laugh and crow,
And shout and grow,
Oh, the jolly times have they.
What do they say in Baby-Land?
Why, of course, they say the oddest things;
We might as well
Tho try to tell
What a birdie sings.
Who is the Queen of Baby-Land?
Why mother is, so kind and sweet;
And as her love,
Is born above,
She guides the little feet.
Hush a Bye Baby
Hush-a-bye, baby, upon the tree top,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock;
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
Down tumble cradle and baby and all.
Play Days
How many days has my baby to play?
Saturday, Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
Hush a Bye
Hush-a-bye, baby, lie still with thy daddy,
Thy mammy is gone to the mill,
To get some meal to bake a cake;
So pray, my dear baby, lie still.
Rock a Bye Baby
Rock-a-bye, baby, your cradle is green,
Father's a nobleman, mother's a queen,
And Betty's a lady, and wears a gold ring,
And Johnny's a drummer, and drums for the king.
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