I Saw Three Ships
I saw three ships come sailing in,
On Christmas day, on Christmas day;
I saw three ships come sailing in,
On Christmas day in the morning.
Pray whither sailed those ships all three
On Christmas day, on Christmas day?
Pray whither sailed those ships all three
On Christmas day in the morning?
Oh, they sailed into Bethlehem
On Christmas day, on Christmas day;
Oh, they sailed into Bethlehem
On Christmas day in the morning.
And all the bells on earth shall ring
On Christmas day, on Christmas day;
And all the bells on earth shall ring
On Christmas day in the morning.
And all the angels in heaven shall sing
On Christmas day, on Christmas day;
And all the angels in heaven shall sing
On Christmas day in the morning.
And all the souls on earth shall sing
On Christmas day, on Christmas day;
And all the souls on earth shall sing
On Christmas day in the morning.
Let’s Play A Game
Santa Says
This game is similar to the old classic Simon says, but instead, the leader pretends to be Santa Claus.
Every little child knows that you must be very, very good to receive a visit from Santa Claus, so they must follow the instructions to the letter.
A christmas stocking full of small wrapped gifts could be used for prizes. Or small wrapped individual gifts under a tree.
Seat yourselves in a circle and choose one person to be Santa. His duty is to order all sorts of different things to be done, the funnier the better, which must be obeyed only when the order begins with "Santa says." As, for instance, "Santa says: 'Thumbs up!'" which, of course, all obey; then perhaps comes: "Thumbs down!" which should not be obeyed, because the order did not commence with "Santa says." "Hands over eyes," "Stamp the right foot," "Pull the left ear,"etc. Last man standing receives the prize.
Then the winner becomes Santa and the game begins again.
You could play until everyone wins at least one prize.
Oh, clap, clap the hands,
And sing out with glee
For Christmas is coming
And merry are we!
Now swift over the snow
The tiny reindeer
Are trotting and bringing
Good Santa Claus near.
Our stockings we’ll hang,
And while we’re asleep
Then down through the chimney
Will Santa Claus creep.
He’ll empty his pack,
Then up he will come
And, calling his reindeer,
Will haste away home.
Then clap, clap the hands!
And sing out with glee,
For Christmas is coming
And merry are we!
Let’s Play A Game
Treasure Hunt
Supplies needed:
Numerous small gifts wrapped as Christmas Presents
Unisex gifts work best
Hide the packages in various places around the room or house, depending on where you want the game to be played. Let them loose and see who finds the most
They could have a gift exchange when all the packages are found.
Serve cupcakes decorated with icing and coconut to resemble snowballs.
Hot cocoa or punch.
Gettin’ Crafty
Let’s make a Christmas Chain. Supplies needed:
Red and green construction paper
Scissors and tape or glue
This is a very easy craft for all ages.
Beginning on December 1: Holding each sheet of construction paper lengthwise, cut across the short side, cutting out 25 strips in red and green.
Roll them into a circle and tape closed.
Insert the next circle into the first one before rolling and taping.
Continue in that manner until you have a chain or 25 links.
Every evening a link will be removed and as the chain grows shorter and shorter, your child anticipates a visit from Santa.
Let’s Pretend
Role Playing is Fun - Shall we be an elf?
What would it be like to work for Santa Claus?
What kind of toy would you make?
Would you be a specialist?
Or would you make all different toys?
What does an elf eat?
Cookies? Spinach? Ice Cream? Broccoli?
Is Mrs Santa Claus a good cook?
Or is there a North Pole Chef?
Where do you live?
Do all of the elves live in the castle or are there individual cottages?
Do you have an activity or game that you’d like to share?
Leave a suggestion here.
Want a byline? Great - include your name.
Have fun
See you next month.
Hope you’ll visit our site often and enjoy the many poems, stories and fun things to do.
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